
Powerfin Technology is run by POWERFIN TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED ("we," "us," or "our") and User/Customer (“you”, or “your”) satisfaction is an aspect that is of utmost importance to us. Please take some time to carefully review these comprehensive terms and conditions before starting your journey with our website and using its wide range of services ("Services"). Your interaction with our website is governed by these Terms, which are not just words. These Terms may be revised, our website may be updated, and our Services may be modified at any time. We have made these changes to improve your experience on our website and to comply with evolving Applicable Law. You can discontinue using our Services if any change introduced by us is unsatisfactory to you.


Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully. Upon joining our website, you acknowledge your understanding and agreement with these Terms. Upon registering on our website, you represent that you have provided us with valid credentials to verify your identity. We reserve the right to impose restrictions, suspend, or terminate your access to the website if you violate these Terms. Additionally, we may conduct monitoring activities on the website to ensure your Account's security.


We designed our website to cater to a wide audience. Website users must be 18 or older in order to access and utilize it. Impersonation, false statements, or misrepresentation of identity, age, or affiliations are strictly prohibited. In our community, we value authenticity and integrity.


Merchant Account: A merchant account is a financial arrangement that allows businesses to accept online payments. It acts as a bridge between the payment gateway and the business's bank account, facilitating the transfer of funds from customers to merchants.

Transaction Fee: This is a cost associated with each payment transaction processed through the payment gateway. It may include a percentage of the transaction amount and a fixed fee, covering the service provided by the payment gateway.

Card Verification Value (CVV): CVV is a three- or four-digit security code found on credit and debit cards. It adds an extra layer of security by verifying that the person making the payment has physical access to the card, reducing the risk of fraudulent transactions.

PCI DSS Compliance: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance is a set of security standards designed to protect sensitive payment data. Payment gateways must adhere to these standards to ensure the secure handling of cardholder information.

Tokenization: Tokenization is a security measure that replaces sensitive card data with a unique token. This token can be used for future transactions, reducing the need to store sensitive information and enhancing security.

Authorization: Authorization is the initial approval process when a customer's payment card is checked for validity and available funds. It confirms if a transaction can proceed, but the actual payment is not yet completed.

Settlement: Settlement is the final stage of a payment transaction, where funds are transferred from the customer's bank to the merchant's account. It occurs after the authorization and typically involves batch processing of transactions.

Payment Processor: A payment processor is a financial institution or service provider that handles the technical aspects of transaction processing. It connects merchants to the payment network and facilitates the flow of funds.

Recurring Payments: Recurring payments are automated, periodic transactions, such as monthly subscriptions or installment plans. Payment gateways enable businesses to set up and manage these ongoing payments, ensuring convenience for both merchants and customers.


We identify your Account at Powerfin Technology by your cell phone number and email address. To protect your Account, we strongly recommend choosing a secure password. Passwords should never be shared or written down. Please note that Powerfin Technology or its Service Providers will never ask for your password or any other private information. Please change your password immediately if you suspect that your account's security has been compromised, and hold Powerfin Technology harmless from any resulting liability.


During your interactions with Powerfin Technology, as well as information collected by Merchants and Digital Channels, your personal information will be governed by Powerfin Technology's Privacy Policy.


Our services and website may contain references to other websites and services (referred to as "Reference Sites"). Please note that Powerfin Technology does not endorse these Reference Sites or the content, resources, goods, or services they provide. There is no third party involved in your interactions or transactions with Reference Sites. You are solely responsible for your interactions with Reference Sites, including the information, materials, products, and services they provide.


While fulfilling your requests or servicing your Account, Powerfin Technology may send you transactional or non-transactional business communications via SMS, Email, or Push notifications. Powerfin Technology may continue to send you transactional and critical communications even if you opt out of marketing communications.

When you utilize Powerfin Technology or any Services, we will make every effort to provide alerts, and it will be assumed that you have received the information we supply. It is not our responsibility to verify the identity of the recipient of our notifications, and we are not liable if the notification service is unavailable.


Please note that Powerfin Technology, its directors, agents, officers, and employees are not liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages incurred by Users.

This includes, but is not limited to, missed business opportunities, lost revenues, anticipated profit loss, and any other financial or non-financial losses or damages resulting from or related to:

  • Any agreements made between Users and Powerfin Technology,
  • The use of our services or the website, as well as any Reference Sites,
  • The ability or inability to use our services or the website, even if we or our authorized representatives have advised of such potential damages,
  • Data or transmissions accessed or altered without authorization,
  • Any transactions involving third parties or conduct by third parties,
  • An infringement of another's rights,
  • Using counterfeit or stolen cards or devices,
  • Fraudulent electronic funds transactions.

We reserve the right to reverse any transaction at our sole discretion, subject to approval by the service provider. In any case, if a court of law determines that Powerfin Technology or its directors, officers, or employees must indemnify a User, our liability is limited to the amount paid by the User (if any) for using the specific part of the website or our services that led to the complaint.


The warranties, disclaimers, and limitations of liability outlined here govern the products and services we offer. In the agreement between Powerfin Technology and Users, these provisions represent a fair allocation of risk between Users and the website. We would not be able to provide our services to Users on a sustainable economic basis without these safeguards.

Reasons for Rejection

Powerfin Technology and its Service Providers may decline authentication and/or authorization of transactions for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Insufficient funds,
  • The authentication details provided are incorrect,
  • Expired card/bank account,
  • Risk management concerns,
  • Fraudulent transactions suspected,
  • Sale of restricted or banned items,
  • The use of compromised cards or bank account numbers,
  • Bank account numbers or cards that are banned or blacklisted,
  • Risk Management Measures.

As part of our commitment to security, we may, at our discretion, block specific card numbers, account numbers, groups of cards, or transactions. Our website and Users may also be protected by various risk mitigation measures, such as blocking specific IP addresses, devices, or geographical locations.


In the interest of risk management, Powerfin Technology and/or Service Providers may limit the size, amount, and/or monthly volume of transactions at any time. In this regard, we will consider a number of factors, and we will make the final decision.


Whenever we receive reports of unauthorized debits/chargebacks on a customer's payment instrument, we take swift action, which we refer to as "Fraudulent Transactions.


Although Powerfin Technology will assist users in resolving any queries related to the Services, we are not responsible for disputes or inquiries regarding customer payments. It is recommended that users take necessary precautions when transacting and maintaining the security of their accounts. At Powerfin Technology, we are committed to safeguarding your transactions and providing support when needed.


As a User, you affirm and certify that you will not engage in any illegal or unethical behavior. Additionally, you guarantee that any financial data or information received by you will be stored in a system located solely in India. As part of the message or payment instructions, this data should include complete end-to-end transaction details.


When using our service, you agree to indemnify, protect, and hold harmless Powerfin Technology, its affiliates, contractors, employees, officers, directors, agents, and third-party suppliers, licensors, and partners against any claims, demands, actions, or suits brought against Powerfin Technology as well as all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges, and expenses resulting from or related to:

  • Your misuse of the website or the services provided by Powerfin Technology,
  • Violation of the Terms of Use or Applicable Agreement,
  • Breach of the representations, warranties, and covenants contained in these Terms of Use or Applicable Agreement,
  • Violation of any Applicable Law leading to claims, legal notices, or quasi-legal proceedings involving Powerfin Technology by anyone, including governmental authorities,
  • Failure to obtain any required statutory or regulatory approvals to fulfill your obligations with Powerfin Technology,
  • Any liability, claims, damages, costs, or expenses incurred due to your actions or violations under Section 269ST of the Income Tax Act, 1961, when acting as a collection agent for the Company.

Powerfin Technology reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify Powerfin Technology. You agree to assist Powerfin Technology in defending and settling such claims, and Powerfin Technology will make reasonable efforts to inform you when aware of any claim, action, or proceeding covered by this indemnity.


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Powerfin Technology and its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties. In addition, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights are included. Advice or information obtained from Powerfin Technology or through its services or the Site does not create any warranty. Users should not rely on any warranties made on behalf of Powerfin Technology.

The users acknowledge that Powerfin Technology acts as a reseller and is not responsible for the obligations of third-party suppliers. Any views, advice, products, or other information offered via the website or on the internet in general must be assessed for accuracy, completeness, and suitability. Powerfin Technology does not guarantee continuous availability of its services, the absence of errors, viruses, or other harmful components, or the resolution of any such flaws. Powerfin Technology’s services, the website, and all related data and Information are provided "as is" and "as available," "with all faults," without any express or implied warranties or representations.


Powerfin Technology and/or its third-party licensors own and operate the website and its services. In addition to visual interfaces, graphics, designs, compilations, information, computer code, products, software, services, and others, Powerfin Technology's services and the website are protected by Applicable Law. In addition to its licensors and suppliers, Powerfin Technology owns all Materials and Intellectual Property.

Users agree not to remove, obscure, or alter copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices on Powerfin Technology's services. Users shall not sell, license, distribute, copy, modify, publicly display or perform, transmit, publish, edit, adapt, create derivative works from, or engage in any other unauthorized use of Powerfin Technology's Materials or Intellectual Property.


Confidential Information must be kept confidential by users. It is the user's responsibility to protect Sensitive Information with the same security and care as their own confidential information and to use it only in connection with the relevant Transaction. In accordance with these obligations, users acknowledge and agree not to violate the confidentiality of customer data and transaction records.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of India, without regard to conflict of law principles, and are under the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian courts.


The remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will remain in effect if any provision of them is deemed unlawful, void, or invalid.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Terms and Conditions, feel free to reach out to us.